This is an actor/artist's personal, non-commercial website with the sole intention of celebrating and elevating the art and collaborative spirit of the stage, screen and associated arts and artists.
Where possible, media on this site links directly to the original shows, productions or touring companies as earnest means of promoting their present and future programming. You are encouraged to visit them all both online and in person!
It is with extreme enthusiasm, pride and gratitude to all fellow performers, artists and creators to share our collective efforts here – all in hopes of advancing the enduring thrill of live performance and the arts at all levels.
Now more than ever, please support your local theatre, music and arts communities.
Thank you!
Content herein has been used with permission and/or as allowably shared from social media. Where possible, every attempt has been made to provide proper identification, attribution and/or reference sources. Per allowance made for 'fair use' under the US Copyright Act, no infringement in any way has been intended on any portion of this website. This website does not engage in any form of sales, does not receive any stipend, nor does it profit whatsoever from the inclusion of any such media.
Please reach out with any comments or questions.